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How many times have you missed an episode of your favourite TV show? For most people the answer would be “most of the time”. In this fast paced world, we are so hard pressed for time with our various responsibilities, commitments and work that we most often have to sacrifice our favourite TV shows and lament later about the missed episodes.

Being a blogger who blogs on food, I am hooked to cookery shows on TV and look out for new ingredients, ideas and methods to improve my cooking and dish out new and interesting recipes in my kitchen. I also watch a couple of TV soaps regularly.And when I am just ready to switch on the TV, a knock on the door or a telephone call or some other interference make me miss my favourite cookery show or a serial of my interest.

To make things worse, my one and half year old daughter and husband are always ready to grab the remote and keep me away from watching my shows. My husband likes watching news or Discovery channel and my daughter her favourite cartoon. So there is a great demand for the remote at home as everyone wishes to watch their favourite shows. In the end you know who wins as you can't fight with a kid for the remote and hence my daughter gets the last laugh.

So I and my husband shifted to watching our favourite videos on YouTube using our Smart phones.But videos took long to stream or download, used to buffer sometimes and had ads that had to be skipped. It also used up plenty of broadband data and we started getting alarming mobile bills.

I used to think "why not someone make something that would help me watch my favourite show anytime anywhere on my phone without making a hole in my husband's pocket."

And when I saw this ad on TV, I simply started jumping with joy...

TATA Sky has launched a Wi-Fi enabled set top box and digital video recorder which can record and push transfer our recorded content to our smart phone or tablet directly. So we can watch the recorded shows at leisure offline using the Tata sky app in our Smart phones or Tablets.

With the TATA Sky + transfer box, we no longer have to worry about missing our favourite TV shows. With this I can watch my favourite shows while my baby is watching her cartoon. I can also record movies and watch it at leisure and play cookery shows while cooking in the kitchen. When my daughter gets bored while travelling, I can play a recorded cartoon show and keep her in good spirits. My husband too can watch his favourite shows from Discovery and Animal planet or Cricket and Football matches while travelling to work.

In total the TATA Sky transfer box is a great boon for families fighting for the remote as it makes shows easily transferable and watchable for everyone anytime and anywhere.


This post is my entry to the #TATASkyTransfer contest on Indiblogger.


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