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Datsun is all set to launch its latest car “redi –GO” in a few days. Going by the looks of it, the car indeed looks promising as it is a unique fusion of a compact crossover and urban hatchback. The car is aimed at the current generation who are ready- to - go and hence the name. It boasts of a machine that would give Indian youth the confidence to go further and strengthen their sense of freedom.

And Datsun redi-GO does not disappoint. It has a unique combination of style and comfort and no doubt it is the car to look out for this season. There are several features which make the car stand out from the crowd. Personally, three features which appealed to me the most are its

Fuel efficiency:

The Datsun redi-GO has a 799cc engine which provides an impressive fuel economy of 25.17 km/L. This is a great feature as it will make travelling a lot cheaper and we can take out our car more often for rides. Further living in urban city where re directions, traffic and one ways are common having a fuel efficient car is one of the main criteria for most users like me.


The look and style of the Datsun redi-GO car is impeccable. It looks elegant and sporty with a compact and sleek design. It is taller than other cars and puts our heads above everyone on the road. Hence we can have a wider view of the road and surroundings. Its head and tail lamp designs are modern and different from other cars. This is one car we would want to flaunt with our friends and relatives.


The interior of the Datsun redi-GO is spacious and has more space than regular cars. It can easily seat 5 people along with luggage and yet you can feel roomy and comfortable. So we can go for a picnic or shopping spree or even a long drive with the entire family without worrying about space. The interiors of the car have a fabric which has been inspired by sports cars and provides premium comfort. Its power windows are another plus point as the switches are strategically placed to ensure easy access to both the driver and the co- driver.

If I could ever get my hand on the car’s wheel, I would like to test it along the roads near villages and towns where there are trees, paddy fields, farms, and lakes. Going on a test drive to a beautiful location with a great view of the surroundings is a dream and having a car like redi –GO would surely fulfill my dreams. One thing I would like to test the car is whether it can provide smooth travel along the bumpy roads, ditches and thin lanes. 

I think Datsun redi-GO can beat the urban driving blues since it has small turning radius, fuel efficiency and sleek design which makes driving along congested Indian roads a lot easier and cheaper.

So go ahead and check out the new Datsun redi-GO.

Fun. Freedom. Confidence. The ultimate Urban Cross - Datsun redi-GO - the capability of a crossover with the convenience of a hatchback.


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