Have you seen girls helping their mothers in the kitchen or sweeping the house or washing utensils or the laundry while their brothers are playing outside. Have you seen the elders teaching them to learn household chores right from their childhood as this is what they have to do when they grow up. Have you seen boys being told that this is not your job when they play kitchen games with their sisters. I have seen this around me but I am glad and thankful for being lucky. I never felt prejudiced just because I was a girl. I give all credit to my parents especially my father for the upbringing and atmosphere he gave me and my brother at home. They brought us up with lots of love, kindness and equality. I have always seen my father helping my mother in doing household chores. Some people think that washing the laundry is only a woman's job, but at home, my father too would operate the washing machine. This bonding between the two had a great impact on me. My father set a perfect e...